MAPNA Group hosted Indonesian ambassador to Iran on Sunday.

MAPNA Group hosted Indonesian ambassador to Iran on Sunday.

Ocatvino Alimudin, who has been appointed as Jakarta envoy to Tehran since early 2016, paid a visit to MAPNA’s factories located near Karaj, west of Tehran On July 24, 2016.

During his tour of MAPNA factories, Mr. Alimudin visited MAPNA Turbine Engineering and Manufacturing Company (TUGA), MAPNA Turbine Blade Engineering & Manufacturing Company (PARTO), MAPNA Generator and Wind Turbine Engineering and Manufacturing Company (PARS), and MAPNA Locomotive Engineering and Manufacturing Company.

Accompanied by commercial attaché of the embassy during the four-hour tour, Mr. Alimudin praised MAPNA’s achievements in power plant and rail transportation industry. He pointed to MAPNA’s control of the entire value chain as a strength of the enterprise.

Indonesia’s ambassador to Tehran laid out his country’s plans to develop its power plant and rail industry, and welcomed the prospect of MAPNA’s engagement in infrastructure megaprojects of his country.

The government of Indonesia has announced plans to add 35 thousand megawatts to its power capacity in order to respond to increasing energy demands of its growing economy.

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