Career Opportunities

Believing that the main asset of every organization is its human resources, MAPNA Group has put the recruitment of expert and hard-working individuals on its human resource development agenda since the beginning. By providing equal employment opportunities for university graduates through defining specific recruitment strategies, MAPNA Group has developed for itself a significant professional and managerial repertoire.

By joining MAPNA Group, newcomers begin working in an active and dynamic environment. Working alongside motivated, professional experts provides a fertile ground for career growth and development. If you wish to join us and you find yourself an eligible candidate, please refer to the list of career opportunities presented in this section and fill out the related form to apply. In case of need, the recruitment unit will contact you after an initial assessment of your application.


Recruitment in MAPNA Group is defined on the basis of certain procedures. The Group’s recruitment procedures are described as follows:

1.Receiving and Storing Résumés in Databases
Completed application forms are saved on our databases and are considered by the recruitment unit when in need.

2.Initial Qualification Assessment

When in need of new workforce, the résumés in our databases are examined for a basic qualification assessment in terms of expertise, knowledge and experience required for the job. Selected résumés are then sent to the relevant units for a specialized job interview.

3.Specialized Job Interview

At this stage, applicants are evaluated in terms of expertise in interviews with experienced and professional executives. If approved, applicants are referred to the Department of Human Resources for pursuing the next steps.

4.Assessment (Interview) by Telephone

The recruitment expert collects more detailed information from selected applicants in connection with the positions applied for.

5.Assessment Centre

At the next stage of recruitment in MAPNA Group, the Assessment Centre evaluates selected applicants for their qualification, competence, and adaptability to the features required by the related position.

6.Admissions Committee

Applicants approved by the Assessment Centre are invited for a final assessment by the Admissions Committee which consists of experienced, senior managers and employees. The Admissions Committee decides for the eligibility, or lack thereof, of selected applicants by referring to the reports on previous assessments as well as by conducting general and specialized interviews.

7.Final Approval

The Group’s senior manager evaluates the files and assessment results and then approves, or rejects, the recruitment of admitted applicants by considering the company’s overall strategies and policies.

8.Assignment Procedures

The recruitment expert informs the applicants about their assessment results and provides recruited individuals with information about their position and the time to start work.


In MAPNA Group, applicants go through rigorous assessment procedures, based on the latest professionally-approved methods. This way, we ensure that the most qualified are selected. Submit your CV below.

Contact MAPNA

For inquiries or to explore solutions and products tailored to your needs, please feel free to contact us.

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