MAPNA Group Delivers Fuel Gas Unit in South Pars Gas Field

MAPNA News - MAPNA Group has delivered Unit 122 in Phase 14 of South Pars giant gas field to the commissioner.

MAPNA News – MAPNA Group has delivered Unit 122 in Phase 14 of South Pars giant gas field to the commissioner.

The Unit was delivered to operator by MAPNA Group oil & gas subsidiary Neyr Perse following connection of Phase 14 refinery system to the Iran Gas Trunkline No. 6 (IGAT 6).

With Unit 122 commissioned, Phase 14 refinery’s flare system has also come into operation.

Part of the giant South Pars Gas Field, Phase 14 consists of four offshore rigs and 44 wells, located 150 kilometers off the Kangan coast, Persian Gulf.

Delivery of the latest phase of the project will also accelerate launch of the first gas sweetening unit in Phase 14 refinery.

Caption: Following South Pars Phase 14 refinery’s connection to IGAT #6, Unit 122 fuel gas unit was delivered to the refinery operator by MAPNA oil & gas subsidiary Neyr Perse.

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