Investment in MAPNA

Investment in New Businesses

In recent years, MAPNA Group has placed massive emphasis on expansion of its activities into new businesses in order to keep up the growth rate of the company. To achieve long-term objectives, including diversification of activities, investment in new fields is deemed as the first step. A number of projects which are commissioned or under construction come in the following:



Drink water bottling project in Qeshm Island in MAPNA Qeshm Water and Power Generation Plant was approved by the higher management of the company which decided on the project based on feasibility studies and economic cost and benefit analysis. The project has a nominal capacity of 10,000 bottles per hour, which would consume 200 cubic meters of the water generated by the power plant. Project will be carried out in a patch of land of about one hectare, which has included the land necessary for future expansion of the project.
The project will incorporate facilities manufactured locally inside the country; European partners will provide some other machinery and major facilities. Project will be launched according to policies decided before.


Islamic Republic of Iran’s Railways requested MAPNA Group to procure and rent 150 freight locomotives; major contractors to the investment project are MAPNA Locomotive Engineering and Manufacturing Co. and its foreign partners, owners of the technology.

Project advantages

  • Securing MAPNA’s monopoly over locomotive procurement across the country;
  • Giving MAPNA the ownership of a great fleet of locomotive and an upper hand in the industry;
  • Meeting needs of Islamic Republic of Iran Railways as Group’s most important customer;
  • Securing full use of MAPNA Locomotive Engineering and Manufacturing Co. surplus capacities for 5 years;
  • Improving technological and engineering status of the company;
  • Improving safety;
  • Reducing fuel consumption and air pollution;
  • Improving domestic engineering companies’ technological status.

Limitations of the project

Project includes procurement of 150 two different classes of freight locomotives for renting to Islamic Republic of Iran Railways:
  • First type: 34 MAP24 freight locomotives;
  • Second type: 114 Chinese-made MAP28 freight locomotives.
  • Deadline for procurement and delivery of first set: one full year beginning signing the contract.
  • Delivery time of the first type of locomotives: beginnings of the second year;
  • Delivery time for the second type of locomotives: beginnings of the third year.

Contact MAPNA

For inquiries or to explore solutions and products tailored to your needs, please feel free to contact us.

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