IMI-100: MAPNA Ranks 18 among Iranian Companies

MAPNA Group has gained the rank of 18 in the latest ranking of top Iranian companies.

MAPNA Group has gained the rank of 18 in the latest ranking of top Iranian companies.

Iran’s Industrial Management Institute (IMI) has released the ranking of top Iranian companies.

The 25th edition of IMI-100 was held at IRIB International Conference Center in northern Tehran on January 23, 2023.

According to the institute, MAPNA Group was awarded the rank of 18.

Furthermore, for its performance in the fiscal year of March 21, 2021-March 20, 2022, MAPNA Group was accredited as the top Iranian contractor company in the IMI-100.

With a sales record of 55,813,853 billion rials, MAPNA Group ranked 18th.

MAPNA also ranked 10th in terms of asset value with 1,980,860 billion rials, and the first rank with regard to sales among contractor companies.

The list of top 500 Iranian companies in terms of sales and revenue also contains 11 MAPNA subsidiaries including MAPNA MD-2 Company (140th), MAPNA Turbine Engineering and Manufacturing Company (146th), MAPNA Operation & Maintenance Company (154th), Neyre Perse (173rd), Nasb Niroo (174th), MAPNA Boiler and Equipment Engineering and Manufacturing Company (195th), MAPNA MD-1 Company (206th), MAPNA Turbine Blade Engineering and Manufacturing Company (211th), Wagon Pars Company (237th), and Sepahan MAPNA Engineering & Equipment Manufacturing Company (315th).

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