MAPNA President Urges Enhanced Readiness to Improve Technology

MAPNA President Abbas Aliabadi released a note on the occasion of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day on May 17, 2023.

On the occasion of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, which we mark every year on May 17th, I would like to take a moment to underscore the crucial role that communication and information technology play within MAPNA Group. As a knowledge-based organization and a driving force behind many of our country’s industrial innovations, we understand the importance of utilizing modern technologies and digital communication in order to stay ahead of the curve.

In today’s world, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) serves as the backbone of businesses and industries alike. It is impossible to imagine running a business without access to modern technologies. With ICT, businesses can collect, store, and analyze data more efficiently than ever before, leading to better decision-making processes across the board. ICT also enables businesses to communicate with employees, customers, partners, and stakeholders all around the world – making it an incredibly powerful tool for any enterprise.

Here at MAPNA Group, we have developed a comprehensive strategy to enter the business of information and communication technology, data science, and artificial intelligence. Furthermore, we are leveraging these technologies to enhance our existing businesses as well. By using these cutting-edge tools, we are able to make our activities more consistent and agile, improving all aspects of design, production, research and development, distribution and sales. ICT is the main channel through which we develop and provide access to a wide range of services, increasing efficiency, reducing costs, and improving communication.

We also use integrated communication portals, such as virtual platforms and social networks, to strengthen our brand, attract potential customers, communicate with stakeholders, get feedback and access innovative ideas. It is clear that developing the technological and communication aspects of MAPNA Group is of utmost importance. We expect our managers at every level to keep up with the changing landscape of industry and technology, strengthening their development vision for this area. We also urge our colleagues to create the conditions necessary for updating the technological processes in MAPNA Group systematically, and to be ready to accept positive changes that come with these advancements.

Together, we can embrace the power of ICT and continue to drive MAPNA Group forward in a rapidly-evolving world.

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