Steam Unit II of Assaluyeh Power Plant Receives PAC

MAPNA Power Plants Construction & Development Company (MD-1) Company received a provisional acceptance certificate (PAC) for the second steam unit of Assaluyeh Combined Cycle Power Plant on May 8, 2024.

With this addition, the MD-1 has so far secured PACs for 153 units with an aggregate capacity of 20,736 MW.

The contract to construct the steam section of the Assaluyeh power plant with a capacity of 480 megawatts was signed between Thermal Power Plants Holding Company and MAPNA Asaluyeh Power Generation Company under a Build-Own-Operate (BOO) agreement.

Currently, under construction, the project is spearheaded by a consortium of MAPNA Group companies, with MAPNA Power Plants Construction & Development Company (MD-1) at the helm.

The project encompasses the installation of three E-type steam generator turbine units, each with a nominal capacity of 160 megawatts, in addition to recovery boilers, auxiliary services, and a dedicated substation.

Situated 25 kilometers from the South Pars Special Economic Zone and near Bostanu village in Bushehr Province, the power plant is located near Iran’s energy hub. The plant’s first steam unit began commercial operations in May 2021.

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