Qeshm Power and Water Cogeneration Plant

Project Specifications

The cogeneration plant enjoys a capacity to produce 50 megawatts of electricity and 18,000 cubic meters of water daily. The plant is located in the northern region of Qeshm Island, approximately 750 meters away from the coastline. Its operational commencement took place in 2013.

 The project extensively utilized a range of cutting-edge equipment, exclusively manufactured by MAPNA Group. Notable components include a gas turbine, generator, HRSG (heat recovery system generator), and desalination plant. These machinery products were seamlessly integrated to ensure optimal performance and efficiency.

MAPNA Special Projects Construction and Development Company (MD-3), a subsidiary of MAPNA Investment Division, was appointed as the turnkey contractor (EPC) responsible for the project’s construction. MAPNA Qeshm Water And Electricity Generation Company, also a subsidiary of MAPNA Investment Division, served as the client for this undertaking.

Furthermore, MAPNA Maintenance and Exploitation Company has been entrusted with the operational management of the project, ensuring its continued success and adherence to industry standards.

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