Power Ministry’s Conference Hall hosted MAPNA Group’s Fourth Customer Orientation Conference on Thursday, January 28, 2016.

Power Ministry’s Conference Hall hosted MAPNA Group’s Fourth Customer Orientation Conference on Thursday, January 28, 2016.

The group launched this year’s conference with the motto “Customer Trust, the Organization’s Most Valuable Asset”. Senior managers and personal, customer relationship experts and MAPNA clients attended the conference.

Customer and employee experience expert Michel Falcon was the first speaker of the conference who addressed the audience via Skype. Falcon spoke of business-to-business (B2B) strategies and the necessity to create a customer-oriented company.

MAPNA Group Communications and Marketing Director, Behnam Haghighi was among the speakers of the conference. Haghighi called for formulation of a relationship management mechanism for MAPNA customers. “A sustained, effective participatory relation is the best way to create loyal customers,” Haghighi said. Head of the Communications and Marketing Directorate also stressed the need for diversification of the basket of products, implementation of an effective behavioral model and reasonable pricing as ways to increase capacity in relation with the customers.

External customers of MAPNA Group also addressed the audience. Kermanian Power Plant CEO Nosratollah Kazemi called MAPNA “a national asset”, while Mahmoud Mesrinejad, project manager in the Chadormalou Power Plant, called for closer attention to delivery of project information to customers upon commissioning the project.

Development of code of ethics in customer orientation was the subject of the next speech by Abdolreza Hafezi, expert in human resource development. Hafezi highlighted the link between ethical behavior and customer satisfaction. He also praised the ‘full commitment’ approach adopted by MAPNA Group.

Damavand Power Generation Company Chief Executive Officer Jamaloddin Azizi also addressed the audience in a speech titled “Relations with MAPNA: Opportunities and Challenges”. Azizi called for a review in procedures of after sales services and customer relationship.

Mohammad-Reza Faghedi, Systems and Quality Deputy in MAPNA MD2 Company delivered a statistical report on customer satisfaction and complaints in MAPNA power plant projects. MAPNA stands above the average in all indexes Faghedi stated.

MAPNA CEO Abbas Aliabadi wrapped up the half-day conference. “MAPNA has taken customers’ demand into consideration and … served the power industry,” said Aliabadi, pointing to the group’s success in reducing construction costs.  “I am sure that the post-JCPOA era will create ample opportunities for MAPNA inside the country and abroad,” added Aliabadi, pointing to the implementation of the nuclear deal which has reconnected Iran to the global market.

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