Al-Sadr Gas Power Plant

Project Specifications

Project Title: Al-Sadr Gas Power Plant

Contract Type: EP

Location: Al-Sadr Town, Baghdad, Iraq


Scope: Engineering and construction

Capacity:  324 MWs

Status: Commissioned


Located in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, the Al-Sadr Gas Power Plantuses two V94.2 gas turbines, each with a capacity of 162 MWs, to make electricity. Both turbines are certified under NIAM Plan which is a Persian acronym for MAPNA Standard Design for Power Plants.

The power plant is in a town called al-Sadr, which is in Baghdad city. The client of the project is Sunir – Ameran Ofoq company. Both units have been delivered to the client based on a provisional acceptance certificate (PAC).

The delivery of the main equipment has been made under an ex-work transport contract. Furthermore, this project has been carried out under five separate contracts in the realms of engineering, supply, and implementation.

MAPNA Group has played a significant role in the construction and operation of the Sadr Power Plant as it has been responsible for supplying essential equipment such as two V94.2 gas turbine units, transformers and needed accessories, GCB, and spare parts for the plant’s launch and also for two years later. Additionally, the conglomerate has provided specialized tools, monitored the installation and commissioning processes, trained the plant’s employees, conducted functional guarantee tests, and offered services during the warranty period, including defect fixing.

MAPNA Group, commenced its operational activities on June 18, 2008, following the delivery of the land, and the first unit of the power plant was synchronized to the national grid on April 14, 2011. 

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